
Art and Culture

City employment issue opportunities are position descriptions are listed.
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Constution and Law

City employment issue opportunities are position descriptions are listed.
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Finance and Economy

We differentiate ourselves from all the other australian by the real factors.
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Business & Industry

City employment issue opportunities are position descriptions are listed.
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Agriculture and Food

City employment issue opportunities are position descriptions are listed.
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Policing and Crime

We differentiate ourselves from all the other australian by the real factors.
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Dražůvky 114
696 33 Archlebov
Fax: 518 633 526
IČ: 00488429
DIČ: 310-00488429 je plátcem DPH
ID DS: 83nbkn9
Bankovní spojení:
KB Kyjov 23829671/0100

Jak nás kontaktovat

Jak nás kontaktovat
tel. 518 633 526
Starostka: Klára Čudrnáková
tel. 606 161 008
Místostarosta: Radek Nevřala
tel. 702 255 352

Úřední hodiny

Pondělí:  7 – 15,30
Úterý:      7 – 15,00
Středa:    7 – 15,30
Čtvrtek:   7 – 14,30
Pátek:      7 – 14,30

Copyright © 2023 Obec Dražůvky, webmaster Radek Nevřala